Dear readers,
It's been quite a while since I last wrote for you. Like many of us (perhaps you too?), I've been dealing with A Lot. And... like a Lotus growing from the mud, the Beauty is profound.
So today I'd like to send you a note of celebration, and wish the Sun a happy birthday. If you are in the Northern hemisphere, today is the longest night of the year, and if you reside in the Southern hemisphere, you are at the longest night and the Sun is being reborn. Either way, Happy Solstice to You!
Also, tonight is the Full Moon, which means we are seeing the full reflection of the Sun on the Moon. So we not only recieve the longest day of sunshine; we receive the highest possible amount of reflected sunlight, from the Full Moon.
I have a little Moon Bath practice for you. It has helped me feel more connected to myself, to the Earth, and to Grandmother Moon. Here it is:
Step outside—you may want to take off your shoes.
Gaze up at the Full Moon.
Perhaps place a hand on your heart. Perhaps one on your low belly.
Then, extend your arms, palms toward the Moonlight.
And breathe.
Take your time.
Feel your breath in your torso.
Feel your feet on the ground.
Then, with your hands, as though you are splashing warm water over yourself, gently draw the Moonlight into your heart, your belly. Imagine it washing over you, clearing away the mental cobwebs of doubt, or anything you'd like to wash away.
Then be still again.
And give thanks for your precious life.
If you try this practice, I'd love to hear how it was for you.
I am also celebrating new live offerings of Compassionate Communication (aka NVC) for those of you who would like more peace of mind and a more peaceful world. You can check them out in the Events section on the Home page.
I hope you will find something that works for you, and that we will see each other soon! If you'd like a Compassionate Communication event or service and you do not see it on the site, reach out to me, and I'll do what I can to meet your needs.